Monday, 19 January 2015

SCAREd yr 9 designers.

Year 9 spent today's lesson improving their ideas for phone holders. They were introduced to SCARE - a system used to help them focus on exploring their ideas even further:

Scale - alter the size
Change - the shape
Adapt - by adding extra features
Rearrange- by swapping bits around
Eliminate - reducing clutter

It was hard work, but they all agreed that their designs were better by the end of the lesson.

Next week they will be using CAD to draw their designs ready for laser cutting in acrylic.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Collaborative Brainstorming

The AS Product Design group explored their thoughts on a design challenge using the whiteboards to record their thoughts and ideas.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Year 10 electronics

10B started their speaker project today. Working in pairs and using a PowerPoint guide they started to solder the PCBs with little to no help from me! Great progress today :)